It's a great way to do a 2-minute test to see where you are on WellBeing. Before we start, can you confirm your name, email address and the school or company you're connected from?
WellBeing Quiz © will measure how well you are managing your physical, emotional, mental, social and cultural capital with 25 statements. Please click if it's True or False.
Physical well-being capital is our most basic: ensuring that you have a safe place to live, enough to eat, adequate clothes and access to transportation. Other physical capital factors includes having good physical health, insurance, money, and other financial assets that make you feel secure.
I am able to enjoy my life outside work.
I feel financially secure.
I do at least 3 physical exercises (i.e. 30 mins of walking) every week.
I am always conscious of what I eat and how it makes me feel.
I get at least 7 hours of sleep.
Emotional well-being capital is more or less who you are and what you feel. This includes your values, skills, knowledge, experience, education, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving abilities. It also includes certain personality traits, such as conscientiousness, optimism, perseverance, self-awareness, confidence, and sense of purpose.
I am able to remain optimistic despite having hardships.
I am interested to try and learn something new.
Am I setting healthy boundaries for myself at work and within my relationships?
I feel motivated when I get to work.
I stay calm and productive even when I am working under pressure.
Mental well-being capital is what is in our mind, what we think and where we focus of our own energy – it influences our focus, control of attention and the likelihood of making mistakes
Am I grateful for my blessings and my failures, and things that I am still waiting for?
I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses that helps me to pinpoint the things that I should do.
I take time during the day to intentionally quiet my mind.
I stick to the key priorities I set for myself, at work and/or school.
I can focus on my tasks without getting distracted.
Do I feel a sense of belongingness?
Do I reciprocate feelings, affection, love well and can help someone if they need?
I'm able to take care of myself as much as I take care of others.
When I’m with my loved ones, I’m truly present with them.
I'm able to show appreciation and express gratitude regularly to the people around me.
Cultural well-being capital is all the support you get from your community, your workplace culture and to be connected. Good assets that are part of the Cultural Well-being Capital include volunteering work, recycling or that you have a sense of meaning in life.
Do I take enough time to explore -- not only physically through travel, but through new experiences, food, music, art?
I invest enough time and energy in making a positive difference in the world.
My work gives me a sense of purpose or meaning.
There is a close alignment between what I say is important in my life and how I actually live.
I feel passionately committed to what I do.
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.
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Social well-being capital is all your relationships. Increasing confidence, increasing a sense of belonging and the ability to bring about change in your own life are all factors that contribute to this.